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I am Simon Chatelus, currently Junior Game Designer.


The game and the new perspectives open with it, drove me to integrate video game industry.


I want to create fun and innovative games.

For that, I learned rational game design but also economic game design and I am interested

by system design. My favorite kinds of game 

are Suvival like Dayz and Multiplayer FPS

like Overwatch.


But I have many others hobbies. I love art in all its shapes like cinema or street art.

My favorite directors are Stanley Kubrick and Denis Villeneuve. I contribuate to, an art review site as editor.


I like to travel and to discover new cultures and use this new influences in my productions. 

I am curious of everything: science, arts, philosophy... And sometimes, I write poetry.

Xavier LARDY

Game Design Professor




Marion FELIX

Co-founder of Maplr




Technical Designer



I master the methods of rational game design making my production most efficient and qualitative

I can create quickly unique and innovative mechanics.

I write comprehensive, clear, styling design documents for every production trades to make easier their work and to guarentee the quality of final product.

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